Simply keep the peel the next time you eat an orange. You can use it to deodorize the garbage disposal. It’s a nifty way to save money on cleaning supplies during this sour economy.
“Using a handful of citrus peels and ice cubes is a great way to get a clean and fresh smelling kitchen sink,” said Mary Kennedy Thompson, president of Mr. Rooter Corporation.
Odors can form when food debris builds up in the garbage disposal. But getting rid of the smell can be an inexpensive and simple spring cleaning project that can save you money.
So roll up those sleeves and follow these steps from Mr. Rooter:
- Place a cupful of ice cubes as well as citrus peels – oranges, lemons or limes – in the disposal.
- Turn on cold water and then the disposal for 15 to 30 seconds.
- Then turn off the disposal and continue to rinse with cold water for 15 more seconds.